On November 12th, 2023, we launched the three-year capital campaign to build the second phase of our relocation: the Deep & Wide Capital Campaign! This second phase is aligned with our Deep & Wide Vision 2026, and the construction of this building will provide a new home for our First Baptist Church School and provide our church with much needed additional Sunday School space, parking, and room for other ministry functions. If you have questions about Phase Two or want to talk with a pastor about giving, please contact Pastor Ross at rshelton@fbc-brenhmam.org.
If you are interested in and ready to give to the Deep & Wide Capital Campaign, you can do so by making a check to “First Baptist Church” and placing “Deep & Wide Fund” on the memo line or can give online by clicking “Deep and Wide Fund” in the drop-down box on the online giving link. Information about how to give and the link to online giving are found at https://fbc-brenham.org/give/.
One of the key parts of Phase Two will be the sale of our downtown property. If you are interested in learning more about the downtown property for sale, you can do so by clicking here: Downtown Property For Sale.
In the information below, you will have a chance to learn more about the project and see the pictures:
Deep & Wide Capital Campaign Brochure